One of the most annoying problems for women of all ages is certainly that of stretch marks. Although, on average, it is mainly women over 40 who suffer from them, in reality, so-called skin streaks can also characterise the skin of a younger woman. The causes are many and varied and do not depend solely on the passage of time.
Stretch marks can, of course, also appear on a man’s body and, in any case, cause the skin to lose firmness, mainly affecting the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and hips (for women, also the breasts).
There are solutions to alleviate these imperfections and with this article we would like to recommend healthy natural treatments to combat stretch marks.
You can, in any case, seek advice from our experienced aesthetic medicine specialists who will help you say goodbye to these imperfections.
Before we begin, however, let’s quickly find out what they are and what causes these stretch marks.
Stretch marks: what they are and causes
These are real scars on the skin due to the breakdown of elastic fibres (collagen and elastin) in the skin. They generally appear following sudden or traumatic changes in the body, such as massive weight gain and loss due to a drastic diet, following pregnancy, with the changes of puberty, but can also have genetic causes.
Natural remedies
There are many natural remedies to combat stretch marks, and here are five of them. These are useful treatments to reduce them or make them disappear and can easily be prepared at home.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice contains large amounts of vitamin C, which is believed to be particularly effective in the production of collagen. Applying a pure amount to stretch marks will improve the appearance of the skin. Also combined with aloe vera gel, it will be effective in reducing blemishes and will also have a whitening effect, especially if applied daily.
Olive oil
Contains antioxidants and nutrients that stimulate blood circulation and help reduce the scars that cause stretch marks, especially if heated slightly.
You can prepare a simple treatment by heating a generous amount of olive oil (depending on the amount of stretch marks) in a saucepan (or even in a microwave oven), avoiding smoke. Then massage the affected areas and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
Egg white
Often used to treat stretch marks, egg white stimulates collagen production. Whisk the whites of two eggs and apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas until completely dry. Rinse with cold water and moisturise the skin with a little olive oil. Apply every day for a fortnight.
Aloe and avocado cream
Aloe contains huge amounts of vitamin C and