Avoid gaining weight during the holidays? Many of you will think that it is impossible and has become the worst nightmare when you return to your daily routine.
Yet this is not the case, because all it takes is a few simple tricks to avoid feeling too guilty in the fateful month of September and to avoid starting strict diets or tours de force in the gym.
These tips are suitable for every type of holiday, not only the summer holidays, but also for all those holidays during which we generally tend to exaggerate with the proportions of meals. Who among you at Christmas or Easter, not to mention New Year’s Eve, has not let loose a little too much, and found yourself reckoning with a few extra kilos?
Here, then, are our tips for not gaining weight on holiday. In any case, once you are back home you can always turn to our experienced nutritionists and dieticians for advice on the most suitable diet for your lifestyle.
Planning meals
If possible, make a plan of what your meals will be for the day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Avoid skipping one, or even several, so as not to excessively alter your metabolism and increase the feeling of hunger.
No snacking outside meals
Have you had lunch or dinner and are still hungry or just ‘craving something good’? Despite the importance of snacking, you must resist the temptation to eat calorific snacks such as crisps, sugar-rich sweets and similar foods. These should be avoided at all costs, especially if they are outside meals. Instead, prefer salads and vegetables rich in water and, remember, condiments can be even more calorific than the snack!
Drink a lot
A great way to avoid eating more than you should is also to drink a lot of water. Not only because it temporarily quenches hunger pangs, but also because it hydrates the body. Also, in case you have had a few extra drinks, water helps you to get rid of alcohol faster.
Remember that you can also drink smoothies, centrifuged and juices, which are rich in vitamins, but do so without adding sugar.
Finally, avoid fizzy drinks, even if they are light.
Don’t overdo it at the restaurant or pizzeria
If you often eat at restaurants during your holiday, ask the waiter for medium-sized portions, not too large and with little seasoning. If possible, ask to season the dish yourself, so that you can regulate the quantities.
If there is a buffet, only serve yourself once.
If, on the other hand, you prefer a pizzeria, order simple pizzas such as margherita, marinara or margherita with rocket, and do not have any oil added at the end of cooking. Also, remove the edge.
Of course, one of the last things you think about on holiday or during the festive season is going to the gym. But there are other, even more fun ways of being active. You could, for example, rent a bicycle or go jogging on the beach (or simply go for a walk).