Playing a sport or simply going to a gym to keep fit should be everyone’s routine, both to stay healthy and to feel better about ourselves.
Physical activity, as is well known, produces positive effects not only for the body but also for the psyche and significantly improves the quality of life. But to make your wellness programme even more complete, it would be a good idea to combine your workout with one or more Turkish bath (or steam bath) sessions during the week, in order to enjoy the considerable benefits.
It is precisely for this reason that the LiteLife SPA in Naples, in addition to including a five-star gym with qualified personal trainers, has a large relaxation area that can be used to make the sports experience perfect.
In fact, there are numerous advantages that a Turkish bath brings to our organism. Let’s discover them together below.
Benefits of a Turkish bath after sporting activity
The Turkish bath is a practice with ancient origins and was already used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and was later taken up by the Arabs. It takes place in an enclosed room with ceramic walls, in which the temperature is not too high (it reaches 50°), while the relative humidity is high (90° or even 100°). Thus, a cloud of steam is created that envelops the body, stimulating sweating.
Of course, after a training session, the temptation to enter such a hot place is not strong, but what are the important benefits that would follow?
First of all, the long-term performance of athletes is improved, especially by bathing after intense exertion. Mainly because the session dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow, improving circulation. In this way, oxygenation of the tissues increases, helping to repair those that may have been damaged by exercise.
In addition, steam helps relax stiff joints and muscles after exercise and accelerates the recovery process, as well as purifying the skin and eliminating toxins. In fact, intense sweating greatly stimulates water exchange.
A steam bath also accelerates the metabolism, which is already enhanced by sporting activity, relieves pain caused by injuries and prevents injuries.
The steam bath is therefore ideal for eliminating toxins through sweating and is an excellent treatment for strengthening the immune system.
Finally, the relaxing action should not be underestimated. After intense exertion, the body and mind need to rest and dedicating 15-20 minutes to this practice helps the organism to release tension. As a result, night rest benefits and the quality of sleep improves significantly.
Modern gyms, such as LiteLife’s, are increasingly avant-garde places and try to promote themselves more as wellness centres than fitness centres. The idea