Are you following a specific fitness programme, but don’t want to give up your weekend at the beach or your summer holiday?
Don’t worry, your plans will not go to waste and you will be able to continue with your plans to keep fit while at the beach and the sea.
It will also be an excellent opportunity to have fun with friends and spend a few hours out of the ordinary without neglecting the most important goal: feeling good about your body and yourself.
In this way, you will be able to define your body even more and avoid gaining those obnoxious extra kilos.
Once you are back from your holiday, you can also rely on our qualified instructors to follow an exercise programme tailored to your needs.
In the meantime, here are some sports activities that you can do on the beach alone or in company.
Beach Volleyball
One of the most popular and fun sports to play on the beach, especially if you are not a professional. Between laughter and movement, it is also a very intense workout. Of course, not to be practised during the hottest hours, especially when the sun is blazing in the sky.
Just 15 minutes of movement is enough (although it is better to play for at least half an hour) and you will put your glutes, abs, lats and pecs under strain.
Jogging on the beach
Running on the beach barefoot is a workout that especially stimulates the quadriceps and gluteus muscles and breaks down fat. A very useful activity because the muscles work at least 2 – 3 times harder than normal as you are on a non-smooth surface and more effort is required to maintain balance. The ideal is about 20 minutes of running, even alternating 5 minutes of walking with 5 minutes of running.
Running in the water
A great way to strengthen the thighs, quadriceps and buttocks is also water running. So-called water running can be practised either with the water at your ankles or by pushing yourself a little further by letting the water reach your knees. In this way, you will tone your lower limbs and hips.
Swimming and sea exercises
To strengthen arms, abdominals, chest and buttocks, you can do a half-hour swim, preferably breaststroke. Or, with shallow water, you can use the friction of the water to also strengthen your thighs by raising and lowering one leg at a time.
Free-body exercises
If you miss the gym and cannot do without it, you can make up for it by performing free-body exercises for the upper and lower body.
You can perform classic abdominal exercises by lying on the sand with bent legs and feet slightly apart. With your hands behind your neck and elbows out, lift your head, neck, shoulders and shoulder blades without bending your back. Do about 25 repetitions.
Or you can do squats while standing upright, resting your right hand on your hip and the other on the parasol. Bend your right leg backwards and bend your left leg, levering your heel, then stand up.
Perform 12-15 repetitions